Digital Technologies helps ākonga to acquire the skills, project management and design thinking skills used in fields such as Software Engineering, Website Development, Creative Technologies, Database Development and Computer Science.
Course Content: This course has four main projects:
CREATE A COMPUTER PROGRAM - PROGRAMMING / ELECTRONICS:In term one, will learn the basics of programming in Python. Ākonga will also learn iterative procedures to refine their outcome when designing and developing the program, through user feedback, and reflection. Ākonga will create an electronics outcome using relevant techniques and resources that consist of a working combination of hardware and software components that perform a specific function.NOTE: Although ākonga are not formally assessed in NCEA, this unit of learning is modelled/aligned to DT 1.1 (92004).
DESIGN A DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES OUTCOME: In term two, ākonga will design a website prototype. The process of learning focuses on understanding the need, the potential user/s, design elements, and web conventions, to meet industry standards guided through the process of manaakitanga / kaitiakitanga (implications and end user needs). Ākonga will iteratively develop their design through ongoing user feedback and user experience methodologies to create a refined outcome. NOTE: Although ākonga are not formally assessed in NCEA, this unit of learning is modelled/aligned to DT 1.4 (92007).
DEMONSTRATE UNDERSTANDING OF USABILITY IN HUMAN COMPUTER INTERFACES: In term three, ākonga will conduct a theory course that explores the usability heuristic principles of design. Ākonga will also consider mātāpono Māori (i.e. the clear use of te reo Māori, orthography, tikanga Māori, whanaungatanga, and wairuatanga) in the contextual setting that they are given. NOTE: This will be an Externally Assessed exam (DT 1.3; 92006) conducted at the end of Term 3 or beginning of Term 4.
DEVELOP A DIGITAL OUTCOME: In term four, a digital outcome is developed. The options for this in order of priority are:
Learn the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 to build a website
Create an electronics outcome i.e. environmental monitoring system, wearable tech, or robot.
A digital information outcome such as a database.
NOTE: Although ākonga are not formally assessed in NCEA, this unit of learning is modelled/aligned to DT 1.2 (92005).
Level 2 Digital Technology, Level 3 Digital Technology.
This course is useful for students who want to pursue a career in Computing, Programming, Creative Technologies, Computer Architecture, Systems Analysis, Software Development, Animation Specialist. Study includes Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Information Systems, Robotics.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Study focused on the Construction and Infrastructure pathway could lead to the following types of roles.
Construction: Labouring, building, demolition, electrical, excavation, concreting, landscape architect, interior designer, carpentry, plastering, painting, decorating, joinery, flooring, scaffolding, roofing, tiling, glazing, glass processing, brick-laying, plumbing, gas fitting, drain laying, drafting plans, quantity surveying, engineering, installing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, providing products or services to the industry.
Infrastructure: Laying pipes, laying drains, road building and repair, building dams, wharves, airport runways, building and maintaining telecommunication and electricity networks.
Manufacturing & Technology
Find out what type of work you could do, and what roles you could end up in if you took the Manufacturing and Technology pathway.
Manufacturing: Assembler, appliance servicing, butcher, baker, designer, electrician, electrotechnology, engineer, supporting the engineering industry, industrial measurement or control, fixing machines, fabrication, fitter, inventory, logistics, machine operator, making, erecting, and rigging steel, meat inspection, packing, processing, production planner, production manager, purchaser, quality control, shipping and receiving, testing, warehouse stock controller.
Technology: Biotechnologist, designer, food technologist, telecommunications technician, production technologist, medical technologist.
Primary Industries
If you think that these sound like you; Analysing hydrology data, scanning pregnant animals, caring for and rearing animals, fruit and vegetable production, seed technologist, landscaper, growing and selling flowers, maintaining parks and cemeteries, planting, looking after or measuring trees, sawmill, kiln, or treatment operator, yard supervisor, saw doctor, energy centre operator, paper maker or pulp mill operator, machinist, warehouse person, machines and equipment operator or servicer, wood panels manufacturer, project or research engineer, operations or site manager, consultant/adviser, heavy vehicle driver, processing food or seafood, dairy farming, monitoring factory environments, supervising factory operations, managing a team, supply chain logistics, transport, export and storage, providing policy advice to government, research worker or scientist, supply chain analyst, aquaculture diver, marine farm worker, deckhand, vessel manager or marine engineer, seafood retailer, or wholesaler, turf laying and maintenance.
What industries could I work in?
Growing and production: Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, seafood, seed industry. Processing: Meat, dairy, and food processing, solid wood processing, wood product manufacturing, pulp and paper, furniture making, seafood processing.
Primary industry servicing: Agent/advisory/consultancy, animal care, customer services, environmental services, equine (horses and racing) government, machinery and equipment, research and science, sports turf management, supply chain and export, veterinary services.
Services Industries
Courses that are aimed towards this Industry may lead to the follow types or careers:
Travel and tourism: Travel agent, tour bus operator, tour guide, ski instructor, administrator, marketer, salesperson, flight attendant, receptionist, customer services/customer relations, customs and border control officer.
Hair and beauty: Beautician, spa or massage therapist, hairdresser, barber, nail technician.
Retail: Retail assistant, supermarket assistant, retail store manager, window dresser.
Sport and recreation: Gym manager, personal trainer, fitness instructor.
Other service industries: Event organiser, writer, journalist, news producer, member of the armed forces (air force, army, navy), advertising copy writer, customer representative, funeral director, printer, film making support, financial services support, legal services support, data entry operator/transcriptionist.
Social & Community Services
Are you a helping type of person, then maybe these might for your profile;
Community services: Careers adviser, community worker, counsellor, psychologist (clinical, criminal justice, educational), funeral director/embalmer, home aide, life coach, early childhood educator, social worker, teacher, support worker, therapist (art, music, occupational therapy, psychotherapy).
Emergency services and protection: Ambulance officer/paramedic, animal control officer, border protection/bio-security officer, corrections officer, criminologist, customs officer, conservation worker/manager, emergency management officer, environmental health officer, fire-fighter, fisheries officer, health and safety inspector, immigration officer, loss prevention officer, parking warden, personal protection officer, police officer/detective, private investigator, probation officer.
Health and health care services: Nurse (community, district, hospital, mental health, plunket, practice, public health), nurse aide, midwife, health and safety officer, health care assistant, health promoter/educator, caregiver, rest home manager.
Creative Industries
In the Creative Industries, some employment is available through arts organisations that develop and provide regular or one-off events, seasons of work, tours, and festivals. You may be self employed with several jobs on the go at the same time. Along with your own creative activities, these make up your income. On the other hand, you could be working in a small business as an employee, or on a short term contract.
Examples of jobs include: actor, musician, singer, dancer, film maker, photographer, technician ,writer, composer, editor, stylist ,curator, exhibition manager ,designer, including graphic, animation, and CGI, computer gaming, architecture, costume, stage and set, lighting and sound, advertising and branding, industrial, interior, and fashion ,technician, including sound, lighting, props, stage and set, makeup ,visual artist, sculptor ,ngā toi and pasifika practitioner, kaiako, kaiāwhina ,director, producer, content manager, publisher, event co-ordinator, arts business manager (kaiwhakahaere), arts leader, cultural advisor, organiser.
We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.