11 Environmental Science (Half year course)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Watkins.

NOTE: This course cannot be selected alone - you need to choose either 2 or 4 half year courses in Science.

This course is for those who are curious to learn about environmental issues both in Aotearoa New Zealand and abroad. Many students who choose to take Environmental Science have a strong desire to become involved in protecting our environment and make change for good. We aim for students to gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the natural world in this course, and to further develop their inquiry and scientific thinking skills.


  • New Zealand native species and ecology
  • Carbon and the environment - how carbon is added to and removed from the atmosphere and the effects it has on climate change
  • Investigating a range of current environmental issues such as 1080, stream health and kauri dieback, and examining people’s viewpoints on these issues.
  • Solutions for a sustainable future - project based
  • Chance to grow native seedlings

**Since this is a half year course, you will have to select one other half year Science course to complete the selection.

Recommended Prior Learning

10EVS is desirable, but not essential.

Course Costs and Equipment/ Stationery requirements

Approximately $50 for a full day trip to support in class learning.


Year 12 and 13 Education for Sustainability courses.
Environmental Science and Biology courses at all universities.
Careers - an expanding range: ecologist, zoologist, climate change or GIS scientist, scientific officers (for WWF-NZ, UNESCO), research scientists (NIWA, ESR, Landcare), environmental engineer, environmental lawyer, DOC (ranger, pest manager), resource planners in local and regional government, zookeeper, environmental educator, sustainability officer.

Career Pathways

Assessment Information

NZ Ecology - End of topic test
Carbon and the Environment - Written report or scientific poster (hand in)
Environmental Issues and Sustainable Solutions - Research project and written report (hand in with milestones/check points)


We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.