Teacher in Charge: Ms M. McKenzie-Downey.
10 Literacy (10LIT) Kaupapa
This course is provided for students who need additional assistance with reading and writing skills and need to build increased confidence in their learning abilities so that they become more agentic across all curriculum areas. Learning competencies are interwoven into the course delivery to support the development of a variety of literacy skills. Students are selected for the programme by teachers and Deans, and parents are notified.
A range of topical social issues and cross curricular interests are explored by students to provoke their curiosity and develop their learning competencies:
The five learning competencies that drive NCEA's secondary curriculum are: Using language, symbols and texts, Relating to others, Managing self, Participating and contributing, and Thinking.
Year 10 Option Selection - Full Year Courses (Select 2 subjects), English
We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.