Epsom Girls Grammar School Epsom Girls Grammar School

Level 3 Classical Studies

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms S. van der Wende.

Have you ever wondered who Julius Caesar actually was? Why Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, is so famous? Have you looked at pictures of buildings like the one above and wanted to know more about them? If so, then Classical Studies is the subject for you!

Classical Studies is the study of the people, places and events of ancient Greece and Rome through their history, literature, art and mythology. It teaches you to make links between past and present civilizations in order to better appreciate the influence of the Classical world on your own society. Classics also encourages the skills of critical thinking, attention to detail and clear communication.

The Year 13 course introduces you to the world of ancient Rome.

In 2024 you will focus on the following topics:

Augustus: In this historical study you will learn about a fascinating period in ancient history. It sees the collapse of the Roman Republic and the rise of what is known today as the Empire. You will explore the social and political climate of the Late Republic and the rise to power of Octavian (Augustus) and the key figures around him: Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. You will then examine his administration of the Empire, his religious and moral reforms and his search for an heir to succeed him upon his death.

Roman Art and Architecture: This is an in-depth study of portrait sculpture, relief sculpture, public monuments and religious architecture which helps us gain an appreciation of the skill of the artists and architects who created the works we will study. Beginning with works commissioned during the period of Augustus we will survey the narrative, style and historical/artistic context of a range of works from the time of the Emperors. 

The AeneidWhen Augustus brought peace to Rome, Virgil was inspired to write an epic which glorified both Rome and the Emperor himself. The Aeneid traces the adventurous journey of the Trojan prince Aeneas after he escapes the city of Troy and fulfils his destiny to found a new people in Italy. We will explore the ideas and values of contemporary Rome using the text of the epic poem as our guide.

You will develop skills in:

Thinking critically about sources: Understand the complexity and diversity of social, political, artistic, and ideological aspects of the classical world and how these aspects influenced the lives of Greeks and Romans living in those times.

Examining values: Understand how and why ideas and values of the classical world have influenced other cultures, including New Zealand, over time. 

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences

Assessment Policy & Procedures
Career Pathways

Architect, Historian, Barrister, Author, Journalist, Solicitor, Curator, Librarian, Secondary School Teacher, Tour Guide


We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.