Epsom Girls Grammar School Epsom Girls Grammar School

Level 3 Digital Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Greenwood.

Recommended Prior Learning

Completion of Year 12 Digital Technology with a minimum 10 credits, and NCEA Level 2 Literacy and Numeracy. If you do not meet prerequisites you must interview with the HOD, Miss Greenwood for entry to the course.

13 Digital Technology

Digital Technologies helps students to develop the skills, project management and design thinking skills to a complex standard used in fields such as Software Engineering, Website Development, Creative Technologies, Database Development and Computer Science. They will advance the skills learned in year 12 to learn to plan, design and create an authentic outcome using complex techniques. They may have the opportunity to enter a Technology Scholarship.


  • University Entrance: Year 13 Technology is on the list of 'Approved Subjects' that can be used to qualify for University Entrance.

  • Use common software effectively and efficiently: Gain a solid foundational knowledge of school and workplace productivity applications such as Word and Excel.

  • Learn to use image editing and multimedia tools: Develop an understanding of digital media and how to create a variety of media types. Learn to edit photos and create animations, audio and video.

  • Learn to create computer programs: Why just use computer programs that other people have written, when you can create your own? Learn fundamental programming and computer science skills, enabling you to use simple scripts to create computer games and create web pages. 

  • Manage your computer: Gain a basic understanding of what goes on ‘under the bonnet’ of a computer, allowing you to maintain your own PC and perform simple troubleshooting tasks on school computers.

  • Be an ethical and responsible citizen of cyberspace: It is important that you develop an understanding of safety issues, privacy issues and other digital citizenship concepts so that you can be a safe user of current and emerging technologies.

  • Sharpen up your design skills: Develop your design skills by learning what ‘works’ and how to justify your design decisions while creating a digital product aimed at a particular target audience

    There are three main areas of learning:

    1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: we aim to help students be iterative in their planning and development of their outcomes, using modified Agile methodology and digital tools. Students will be encouraged to team up to develop their outcomes collaboratively.
    2. USER EXPERIENCE METHODOLOGIES: students will learn the theory and practical around how to design and plan an outcome using UX methods. They will learn the reasons for designing outcomes based on user experience, iterative development and user feedback.
    3. SKILL DEVELOPMENT: tying these all together is the chosen skill or skills that the student will develop, chosen from one (or two) of database, media or programming and learning about a chosen area of computer science.

Student Work: GODOT - Recycling Game Aimed at Teaching Children How to Care for their Environment

Eunomia Euphoria : Kiwi team makes Technovation final

Learning Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures

					Course Costs and Equipment/ Stationery requirements

A large capacity USB drive or portable hard drive is recommended.


We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.