Epsom Girls Grammar School Epsom Girls Grammar School

Level 3 English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms M. McKenzie-Downey.

Recommended Prior Learning

Completion of Year 12 English with at least 12 Level 2 credits, or with approval of the LAD (Ms McKenzie-Downey). Students who have been in English Foundation or ESOL at Year 12 may transition into 13 English if they meet the prerequisite, but this needs to be discussed with the LAD.


Critical thinking is the essence of Level 3 English and during the year, students will be encouraged to form a position on a range of ideas developed in literature. Students in this course will respond critically to a wide range of literature, including several films, short texts, and a novel. They will also read widely to have their own self selected material for the Making Connections internal standard. 

Students will develop their academic writing skills and extend their responses to literature, in both oral and written forms, to formulate discerning arguments and evaluative commentaries.  

Course Overview

Term 1
Critical thinking introduction
Short texts
Film study
Own choice film analysis - which leads to 3.9 Visual Analysis internal

Term 2
Novel study
Unfamiliar texts practice
Oral language - which leads to 3.5 Oral Presentation internal

Term 3
Wide reading - which leads to 3.7 Making Connections internal
Unfamiliar texts practice
School examinations

Term 4

Learning Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures


We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.