Epsom Girls Grammar School Epsom Girls Grammar School

Level 3 Statistics B

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Dr M. Steel.

Recommended Prior Learning

 Level 2 Mathematics or Statistics.

This course is recommended for students who wish to continue with mathematics at Level 3 and whose achievement at Level 2 suggests that they would be more successful in a course which is predominantly internally assessed and has selected content. The principles of organising, processing and analysing data are extended to include making predictions, interpreting results and evaluating the process. There is a strong computer technology component.

The course includes 16 Statistics credits towards 14 credits in Statistics for University Entrance, OR 19 Mathematics credits towards 14 credits in Mathematics for University Entrance.

Learning Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures

Course Costs and Equipment/ Stationery requirements

A scientific calculator (on the NZQA approved calculator list) https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/subjects/approved-calculator-list/, about $25.


We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.