Teacher in Charge: Miss S. Brooks.
Food Technology helps students to acquire the skills and knowledge used in the field of Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Technology, Food Science, Product Design and Hospitality.
The course has three main areas of learning:
PROCESSING: Students learn a range of processing techniques to process a food product. These include base testing and trialling, ingredient experimentation and health and safety.
BRIEF: Students explore a teacher directed context and issue. A need or opportunity is chosen from carrying out indepth research within the context. Students will seek feedback from stakeholders to develop a product.
MATERIALS AND PROTOTYPING: Students will transform and combine materials to design, develop and make an outcome.
Course content: Students will complete 4 projects during the year including:
Students with known food allergies will need to discuss with the HOD an action plan for managing this in class before taking part in any practical lessons.
NCEA Standard assessed: Students will compile a portfolio of work which will be assessed against the 92013 standard.
Year 12 and 13 Food Technology and Hospitality.
Food Technology is a useful subject to take for students wishing to pursue a career in the food industry in many areas such as food research and development, nutrition or in hospitality, catering and restaurant businesses. Many New Zealand Universities offer tertiary courses in Food Technology and Nutrition and other tertiary institutions offer a large range of Hospitality courses.
We are requesting a voluntary payment of $110 to go towards running a high quality course with a good range of ingredients to enhance the practical experience for students in the Food Technology programme. We believe that students really value the learning enhancements that this payment provides.
It is strongly advised that students have their own container weekly for practical lessons.
We aim to enable every student to have the course that they prefer, however, some courses have limited places or pre-requisits that may restrict the student's choice.